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Where is your growth?

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor Frankl

In the coming days, please look for more posts on quotes such as the one above. If you have not already, I strongly encourage that you read the great book “A Man’s Search For Meaning”, by Dr. Viktor Frankl. I will not do anything close to providing the justice, honor, and respect by reciting herein his entire life’s journey nor his tremendous work….But, let’s just suffice it to say this: Dr. Frankl survived the Nazi centration camp (Auschwitz – and saw his entire family sent to the gas chambers.

Through the grace of God (and for reasons Dr. Frankl describes in his beautiful book) he survived! And, THEN, after he survived and after the war, he set out to change the world, make an impact. And, what a wonderful impact he has made on the lives of millions…So, if we take a look at the quote above….Where might you be responding to stimuli’s created space? Do you witness and “see” YOUR power in your response(s)? Do you realize and recognize that great human growth, your own greatness, can be germinated from that realization and recognition? Do you “see” your greatness lies in how you respond to your life’s challenges, obstacles, and adversities – and in how you respond to them? Great growth most often comes from great failure.

Look at Thomas Edison, known as the greatest inventor of all-time: he failed over 10,000 times in his quest to make inventions that would improve the lives of his fellow human beings. He failed over 10,000 times! And, yet, he is known as the greatest inventor the world has ever known – inventing the lightbulb, automatic telegraph, phonograph, and many, many more (inventions). Or, take a look at Micheal Jordan, arguably the greatest professional basketball player (and athlete) the world has ever known. His own quote: “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed[.]” exemplifies his response to his “stimuli”… Thomas Edison and Michael Jordan are just two examples of human greatness that failed thousands of times….

But, they held true to their self-worth, self-love, self-compassion, inner beliefs (in themselves), goals, dreams, and aspirations – and DID NOT GIVE UP!! They responded to their failure, to their challenges – their “stimuli” – in ways that impacted their personal growth and that of their fellow humans….For years to come….So, what response are you going to give to your challenging and adverse situations that allow you to learn, grow, and succeed in anything you pursue?

I hope you aim high, make a difference in the lives of others, and live out your dreams!!

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