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What Do You Want to Feel?

1. List the feelings you currently love or those you desire. Top of my list most days is:

  1. Grateful

  2. Healthy

  3. Energetic, Enthusiastic, Humorous

  4. Playful, generous, compassionate, and caring

  5. Kind

2. Take note of the activities you currently know give you these feelings, and how much time per week you spend doing them.

  1. Helping my elderly parents by making their days a little lighter, brighter, and more joyful.

  2. Eating right, exercise, being in the moment (mindful), controlling my emotions, recognizing what I feel inside.

  3. Try to see the simple humor in things and try not to take things personally and to heart. I try not to overthink things.

  4. Tell myself to realize life is too damn short, to live each day as if it were my last, and to show others how much I care for them, love them, feel their pain, listen to them, and help them become the most ideal person they can be.

  5. I “show up” for people….Plain and simple!

3. List out how you could spend more time doing them.

Ways to be more grateful:

  1. Recognize, each day, that life is what I make of it, and to be thankful for what I have, how I got it, and how I can pay it forward.

  2. Try to exemplify to others my gratitude for what they bring to my life.

  3. Thank a higher power for all that has been given me…

Ways to be more healthy:

  1. Eat right, get exercise, get proper sleep, practice mindfulness, control my emotions, take care of my mental health, and be compassionate to myself.

Ways to be more energetic, enthusiastic, and humorous:

  1. Make someone else’s day by lightning their mood (with a joke), helping them see the humor in themselves and in what they are getting stressed over, and levitate.

  2. Watching funny videos on Youtube, calling a friend or family member I have not spoken to in some time.

  3. Reading self-help and funny articles

  4. ….And, all the healthy stuff mentioned above!

Ways to be more playful, generous, compassionate, and caring:

  1. Control my emotions and be very mindful of them!

  2. Give what I can (time, a listening ear, etc.) to friends, family members, and strangers I meet

  3. Call a friend or family member that is having trouble with something in their life.

  4. Tell someone I care and show them I care


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