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Try not to go there….Catch yourself

As many of you know, I have an absolute fantastic coach (Laurie McAnaugh:…Laurie has been so wonderful, gracious, kind, and compassionate to me for the past 5 years (it may be longer than that: bad memory)…

Laurie, has also pushed me to think deep, really find out the person I am and want to be, push my boundaries, set boundaries, and just be the person I want to see alive in this world….Yet, beyond that, Laurie has given me a golden nugget of advice that will long serve me well into my future….

I would like to share with you now what she has asked me many times over the course of our coaching together: “Mark, how do you want to show up in your world?”)….All I can say is “WOW!” It took me a long while to really understan what Laurie has been telling me…But, I think I finally have…

I now ask myself, on a regular, daily (I very often ask myself the above question many times during the course of a day) basis how do I want to show up for others? Do I want to show up as being without compassion, care, empathy, and an ear to listen? Or, do I want to be that person who just takes the time to ask another, “hey, how ya doin today?”….Do I stop and ask myself “what can I do or say to someone else today that makes their lives a little better, a little brighter?”…

Along these lines…Laurie has really pushed me to release and rid myself of any victimhood, self-pity, self-criticism, bitterness, and resentment. The reason, I feel, she has really sought to get me to see all this goodness (of advice) is because when I am stuck in those bad ways of being, I am really stuck (in those bad ways of being)! I am not focusing on where I want to put my energies, focus, and concentration on being the best version of myself…So, ask yourself on a constant basis, “how do I want to show up in my world today and always?”….Really ponder this question (and answers you get)….Really let the answers you “hear” sink deep into your inner core, your being, and stay with you…It will change your mindset, your life, and the lives of so many you meet!

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