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Some great quotes from a great book – “Resonant Leadership”

I recently read (and am reading again) a truly fantastic book called ‘Resonant Leadership’ by Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee…The book is absolutely fantastic and you will definitely not be sorry that you purchased it! It is FULL of amazing nuggets about human connection, building and maintaining ‘resonant relationships’, caring for other human beings, and the practice of compassion. Absolutely amazing…(I am planning on entering another Blog post on Dr. Boyatzis’ sister book called ‘Helping People Change’ and will read it for the 4th time – it is that good!)

So here are some great nuggets from ‘Resonant Leadership’…”By this time, I really knew the man. I had engaged him, related to him, talked to him as one person to another. I cared about him, and he cared about me.”….”We have spent much of this book illustrating how effective leaders have resonant relationships. In other words, they are leaders who are in touch with the people around them. Resonant relationships require people to know each other. To be resonant with others, you have to be in tune with them, something deeper than having a mental model or an intellectual insight about another person. Being in tune with others involves caring about them – and that is what evokes compassion. You feel curiosity, respect, and real empathy. Being in touch with others and feeling compassion has other benefits: it arouses renewal. So, compassion is a key to renewal, and to unlocking the chains of the Sacrifice Syndrome.” …”

Compassion is empathy and caring in action. Being open to others enables us to face tough times with creativity and resilience. Empathy enables us to connect with people. It helps us get things done, and to deal with power stress and the sacrifices inherent in leadership…In order to be empathic, we must begin with curiosity about other people’s experiences. Most people are born with curiosity – we only have to look at the bright eyes of a healthy four-year-old to see it in is pure form. At that age, the world is a miraculous place full of mysteries to explore.

Sadly, as we age we often lose the ability to see things – and people – through a clear lens. We end up seeing the world through a filter of our own veliefs.”….Aren’t those amazing golden nuggets?! I just cannot get enough of the briliiance of this book and “Helping People Change”! Absolutely amazing….Someone gave me one of the most amazing compliments I have ever received in my life (and I am so grateful for her that she told me): “Mark, you will do great things in this world and in your life because you authenticly care about others.” Let’s show others that we deeply care for them and show them the compassion and love they need and deserve.

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