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We all have moments where thoughts of despair grip us with unrelenting fear. Yet, we can cower to the corners of our lives or we can muster the inner strength and resilience to push forward in the pursuit of our goals and dreams.  We need guidance. We need to be shown the way out of the past and into the future our minds have created.


The past is gone. Whatever happened yesterday is the proving ground of tomorrow. Put into your mind that which serves your purpose and direction.

By tapping into what I learned while going through my own gut-wrenching trials of homelessness, mental illness, and numbing loss, I will help you develop your own custom-designed blueprint for your journey. A journey designed to what you’ve placed in your mind.


As your coach I will patiently and compassionately partner with you as you navigate up from your own cellar and into the light of purpose and meaning. I want to use what I have learned about overcoming my challenges to help others overcome their own.  We will journey together, from adversity to acceptance, pain to power, loss to love.


If this resonates with you, I encourage you to email me at


....Redefine Your Resilience!

Redefine Your Resilience...Change YOUR Challenge

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